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A summertime moment of madness
  • 1 month ago

Passionate, insightful, contrarian at times and always a true thought-leader in his field, Mark Dowding, BlueBay CIO at RBC GAM, shares fresh fixed income insights every Friday. His musings on the...

Perspectives on climate change and nature
  • 1 month ago

Despite the global economy’s dependence on nature, efforts to quantify related risks and opportunities have been constrained by a lack of consistent and reliable data and methodologies.

BlueBay Emerging Market Debt Update
  • 1 month ago

Senior Portfolio Manager Anthony Kettle's weekly BlueBay Emerging Market Debt commentary offers readers a concise yet wide-ranging macro overview. Kettle covers markets large and small, providing i...

EM Debt Desk Update
  • 1 month ago

The Emerging Markets Debt Desk provides a monthly update on key trends they have identified in global markets over the past month, looking at asset class performance, idiosyncratic stories and rece...

Here today gone tomorrow: Understanding the $1 trillion wipeout
  • 1 month ago

BlueBay Head of US Fixed Income Andrzej Skiba discusses why the market may be overreacting to the most recent labor market data, which has triggered a volatile market reaction.

The return of the SMID cap stocks?
  • 1 month ago

There are few gospels in investing. In part because they are upended far too regularly to be so and, as much the industry has tried, it is not a science and therefore rules rarely apply. There are...

Webinar replay | Navigating the changing tides in leveraged finance
  • 1 month ago

Tim Leary, BlueBay Senior Portfolio Manager, leads a discussion on managing a wide range of outcomes in the U.S. high yield market, including the likelihood of increased defaults and how an in-dept...

Take a deep breath and chill out
  • 1 month ago

In this episode of The Weekly Fix, Andrzej Skiba, Head of BlueBay U.S. Fixed Income, discusses why the market may be overreacting to the most recent labor market data, which has triggered a volatil...

When volatility is a good thing
  • 1 month ago

Global volatility is resulting in divergent returns in financial market assets and differentiation in performance. Below we look to explain how this backdrop creates opportunity, and how our Absolu...