Read About Our Mission.

Welcome to Markets Recon! Your new home for investment industry research, analysis, and intelligence.

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What is Markets Recon?

Markets Recon is an independent investment research and analysis platform for professional investors, investment consultants, asset management professionals, and investment services professionals.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide the world’s fastest most comprehensive platform for investment research and insights for professional investors, advance users’ investment process, and enable them to make more informed investment decisions.

We also seek to enable asset managers and market participants to scale content distribution, improve brand awareness, and capture demand for solutions, by increasing the reach and impact of your investment insights and industry content.

How We Create Value For Users

We're here to transform the digital distribution and consumption of investment insights content. By leveraging AI and proprietary technology processes, we are able to quickly source the content from across the industry at scale.

Based on user preferences, we are also able to create tailored content to users based on their interests to speed up the time in which you can receive actionable intelligence.

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What are the benefits from our platform?

Learn about who the website was designed for and its relevance to you!


Markets Recon is designed primarily for asset allocators and professional investors including CIOs, portfolio managers, portfolio builders, fund selectors, manager research professionals, investment consultants, and financial advisors.

Investment Research

We curate from hundreds of asset management firms their latest market insights and thought leadership to enable our users to advance their investment processes and make more informed investment decisions.

Community Feedback

By being a user of Markets Recon you'll be at the forefront of informing our developments. With a user-led platform, we aim to involve users every step of the way so that they can get what they're asking for from us.

Your Success

Reduce the time spent on investment research and insights consumption to fulfil your fiduciary duties and stay ahead of the competition.