
At present, the platform does not provide the ability to directly share content between users, or via an integrated application such as LinkedIn or WhatsApp. Markets Recon is currently undergoing further updates and will be looking to provide this functionality soon.

No content displayed on the platform can be amended or deleted except by employees of Markets Recon, but only at the written request of the original author of the content. 


No content which is present on the platform is regularly moderated. An annual audit is conducted on a sample of content to ensure compliance with our publishing guidelines. However, users have the option to let us know via email if they come across any content of concern. 


Any content which is displayed on the platform has been derived from the original author, provided it is in the public domain on the world wide web.

All content on the platform is to be considered outside of the scope of MiFID II. Markets Recon curates from investment managers, professional services firms, industry associations, educational bodies, and other market participants. All content which has been found online which is not behind a paywall or login. We do not publish content relating to individual securities or specific investment bank marketing material.

You will be able to find content by two ways: (a) you can use the search bar on the platform to find what you are looking for. You can start typing and our search bar will find the most relevant to your search words - The more accurate you are with your words, the more focused the search results will be, and (b) you’ll be able to filter content by either category, company, and/or author. 


Our newsletters are designed to provide you with the most relevant research, analysis, and insights content. To do this effectively, we personalise the newsletter to the topics of interest which a user would have chosen during their registration process.


Our platform simply links original content to the content being displayed on our website. We are able to link to all types of content provided we have an active URL. 



Our platform has been carefully designed with ease of access in mind. Removing any complicated taxonomy structures or an overwhelming content library allows you to swiftly move through the platform to your desired areas of interest. During the registration process, we ask you to let us know what topics you wish to be kept informed about. We keep this information tied to your profile so that you can change it whenever you feel like it. Based on user feedback, we may add further topics to optimise tailoring the content experience to your interests. 

To make any changes, please proceed to your Profile

If, for any reason, you no longer wish to continue using your account, you will be able to delete it. By deleting your account, you will lose the ability to use the Markets Recon platform, and you will no longer receive account-related or operational communications or other beneficial features from us. We will retain your records as an inactive user, and occasionaly contact you to check if you wish to re-register. At all times, you will have the option to unsubscripe in line with regulations.

We currently do not provide users the ability to temporarily suspend their account, but will be providing this in a future update

If you have forgotten your password, you’ll be able to reset it by clicking on the ‘Forgot your password’ link on the Login page. Simply type in your account’s email address and follow the instructions once you’ve received them in our email reply

This is an optional facility provided to keep access to your account in case you change jobs and your professional email address is no longer available. You’ll be able to use your secondary email address to login to your account and update your primary email address with a new one

Any content which catches your eye can be bookmarked. By doing so, you can return to this at a later time. All bookmarked content can be found in two places: (a) by going to the continued reading section of your homepage, and (b) by going to the bookmark section of your profile.

Once a user has logged into the platform, they will be immediately presented with their own homepage, tailored to their topic preferences chosen at registration (or having been later amended from their profile). The homepage features all of the topics which a user has decided to follow, along with the latest trends, most popular, and/or featured by Markets Recon. There is a limit on how many content items are displayed per topic, so if you still cannot find the right piece of content, your best option is to use the search bar.


Being a user-led platform, it’s important to reflect on the true value a user's feedback and insights can bring in order to enhance experiences and advance current offerings. When you partner with us, we provide the opportunity for you to enhance your corporate brand, allow your market leaders to get their thought leadership and insights in front of others and create recognition for your own important viewpoints, and begin to create a real sense of reflection by asking yourself, ‘is my content working?’ By sharing our user analytics with you by way of informing who interacted with your content, it will give you a unique opportunity to optimise your content strategy. It also gives you the chance to potentially follow-up with your readers in future communications.

Due to the nature of our platform, we’re able to offer those in partnerships with us the ability to see who has viewed their content - Including their own employees. We’re able to produce this in several classifications, such as: By name, by job title, by company, by country, and by content topic.

We currently do not provide the ability to view any content activity in real-time. However, we can make the information available on request. If this needs to be routinely documented, we can create a schedule which works best for you. 

Going forward, we plan on providing this functionality in a future update later in the year.

All content found on our platform is either linked to an author or a company (as a minimum, content will always be linked to a company). A company has its own page listed on our Site. You’ll be able to find a small summary of the firm and its activities within the industry as well as all of the content the company has produced. 

In the future, we may supply key contract information and other desired intelligence

At present, we do not have separate partnership packages which differentiate our offerings. This is something we’re working on at present and will inform you in due course.


Markets Recon’s platform is specifically designed for the benefit of asset allocators, asset managers, and professional services firms. As the platform links to content from around the world, we must ensure strict compliance with various jurisdictions and regulatory bodies, such as the European and United Kingdom’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and/or investment compliance authorities such as the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) or the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). For more information, please visit the Information Commissioner's Office's website.

All content on the platform is to be considered outside of the scope of MiFID II. 

At present, Markets Recon relies on its own disclaimers throughout the website, whether that is directly or indirectly related to our content publishing practices, the use of the website, or a user’s consent to how we process their personal information provided upon registration.

Authors and authorised parties to the original works which are displayed on the website may also wish to provide their own disclaimer for every piece of work they own. This facility is only available to official partners of Markets Recon.

You can find our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, Key Regulatory Compliance and Data Protection Framework by selecting each area of interest, or you can find the information on the footer of the website on every webpage.

A user's personal information may be supplied in the form of an update to the original author/company who has the legal right and ownership to any content of theirs which is displayed on our platform. The information will typically comprise the title of the content a user viewed, the date and time of this interaction, and some general information gathered from their profile. This is so potential marketing prospects can potentially engage in a follow-up conversation with a user if there is a legitimate business interest to do so.

Any content found on our platform will be linked to the original source. That is, the author of the content as well as the company providing the article. We determine this to give ownership to the employee and the company - If an employee of the company who authored the content leaves their firm, the ownership will still be considered the companies, and the content may still be available on our Site.

There will exist a dual ownership structure between the author and the company displaying the material. If the author no longer has a relationship with the company displaying the material at source, the company will still be deemed an owner of the content


Within our platform, it’s important to get to what you’re looking for as quickly as possible, and as accurately as possible. Our Site provides a high level of search functionality, and has a few ways in which you can get to what you want:

  1. Exact search - This is where you spell the words correctly for what you are looking for. For example, if you’re looking for Economic Outlook 2024, you will find all references made in a title, or a description, from any content on the Site which matches this exactly.
  2. Fuzzy search - Just in case you misspell your intended word, or there are words being used which have an American English or a British English spelling, we’ve accounted for it. You could misspell ‘J. P. Morgan’ as ‘J. P. Margan’ or other varieties and you will still get the search results you were looking for. Or going back to the different ‘English’ spellings, you could search for content on ‘Decarbonization’ and our search results will show you both ‘decarbonization’ and ‘decarbonisation’ referenced content.
  3. Predicted search - As you begin to type letters into the search bar, a dropdown will appear, providing you with suggested titles based on what you are looking for. This could be where you’re searching for strategies within a ‘High-Frequency Trading’ paper and as you begin to type ‘Hig…’ the results from the dropdown will begin to appear with the closest match to the word you’re typing. As you add more letters to your word or add more words to your search, the predicted results will be much more accurate.

A user will be given the option to choose which topics they would like to receive/view content from our platform. The current topics (which may be updated in the future to increase or decrease the taxonomy) are ‘Macro, Portfolio Construction, Equities, Fixed Income, Commodities, Private Markets, Hedge Funds, Indexing/Passive, Emerging Markets, Thematic/Megatrends, Sustainability, and Industry.' You may select as many as you wish during the registration process, and you can update your preferences in your profile. Not choosing any topics may result in your homepage showing all topics.

There may be a time where our topic selection just isn’t quite what you’re interested in. If this is the case, we have a few options available:

  1. Feedback - Let us know what you’re interested in and we’ll suggest to you what topics to follow. Additionally, we’ll keep a note of the specific area(s) you’ve highlighted as being of interest to you and we will look at integrating the most sought after topics into our platform via planned updates over time. 
  2. Closest match - You can still choose the closest topic(s) from our category pool which may still offer you relevant content.
  3. No topic - We’re aware that we may not have all of the topics that are of interest to users, and some may even prefer a higher level of granularity to aid in their search efforts. However, we’ve ensured that all content is searchable, even those WITHOUT topics. Some content may not be assigned to the current topics on our site, so we have intentionally left them blank, but still available on our site through search results, or by being selected as FEATURED, or by the organic traffic of our users engaging with that piece of content and bringing it to higher visibility in the ‘Popular, Trending, or Suggested Reading’ sections of your homepage.

Our company scours the world wide web in search for the best investment research, analysis, and insights. We acquire publicly available URLs and take the necessary steps to ensure a user can swiftly see whether a piece of content has any value to them by showcasing the title, description, publishing date, and the link directly to the source of the content.

We then use our proprietary systems to tag, topic, categorise, and catalogue all of the relevant information and house it within a content library. All of our information is searchable through all search engines, or any type of search system connected to the internet, but our methodology in content aggregation allows for a more flexible search structure, without having to leave the Site. Our taxonomy enhances a user's ability to quickly source the most relevant material.

If you do not want your content to be displayed on our platform, you may email and make a formal request to cease and desist such activity.

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