Hello! And welcome to Markets Recon, a company dedicated to providing a cutting-edge, technological platform that serves the very sophisticated, professional investores and the wider investment community. By registering with www.marketsrecon.com (also referred to as the ‘Platform, Site, Website, and/or Web-based Application’), you hereby acknowledge and agree to ‘conform to, follow, fulfil, honour, maintain, obey, understanding in full, uphold, and use, the Terms of Service as stipulated hereinafter. Please read the Terms of Service and consult your legal counsel for any advice or questions you may have before proceeding. The Terms of Service constitute a legally binding agreement between you, and Markets Recon

In conjunction with the Terms of Service is our Privacy Policy. When you register with the Site, upon agreeing to the Terms of Service, you will also be agreeing to the Privacy Policy. Please read the Privacy Policy before registering to the Site. The Privacy Policy will inform you of how we intend to ‘archive, collect, gather, record, transfer, transmit, share, and/or use’, among other things, your Personal Information which is used upon registering. 

Markets Recon

Markets Recon is an independent research platform for professional asset allocators and the wider investment industry. The purpose of Markets Recon is to provide investment research, analysis, and insights content, in order to complement asset allocation and manager selection, whilst complying with financial regulations. The Site is to be used by ‘Users.’ Users, by definition, are those who have registered to the Site. The Site is operated and owned by Recon Discovery Limited (‘collectively’, ’ourselves’, ‘our', 'us' and 'we'), a company that is incorporated in England under company number 14778559 with a registered office at 3rd Floor, 86-90 Paul Street, London, United Kingdom, EC2A 4NE. 

Upon registration, you are entering into a legally binding agreement with Markets Recon, and you must comply with all elements herein mentioned within the Terms of Service. This includes our Cookie Policy, and our Privacy Policy. Both policies, along with the Terms of Service, are collectively referred to as the ‘Terms of Service’. By registering, it will be deemed that you have read and understood the Terms of Service, Cookie Policy, and Privacy Policy, and will comply with all elements of the aforementioned. Warning: If you do not wish to enter into our Terms of Service, DO NOT register with the Site, nor engage with any part of the Site itself. Registration and/or interaction with the Site will be taken as your acceptance of, and consent to, the Terms of Service.

Markets Recon reserve the right to change any element of the Terms of Service at any time. Any change may result in an alteration of your experience of the Site, the way in which your information is stored or used by Markets Recon, or to make way for new technologies. Any change is deemed instantaneously acceptable by the User of the Site. As such, Markets Recon shall inform you of any changes made to the Terms of Service by a variety of means, up to and including, email, in-app notification, information displayed on the website, and any other such means the organisation deems appropriate. If, for any reason, you do not wish to accept any new change to the Terms of Service, you must cease using the Site immediately. 

If you have any questions or concerns about the Terms of Service, please consult with a qualified legal professional as well as Markets Recon via email, prior to registration. The email to use is info@marketsrecon.com

The Site may wish to make visible any articles, blogs, conferences, research [papers], podcasts, videos, webinars, and other assorted content collectable, in the aforementioned format styles, or others that have not been mentioned here, for the enjoyment of our Users. 


Markets Recon is an independent research platform for professional investors, investment consultants, financial advisors, asset management professionals, investment advisory and professional services professionals, industry association professionals, academic researchers, financial journalists, and other investment industry market participants. The content which is to be available on the Site is intended for these classifications. If you do not fit into any of these categories, you MUST NOT register on the Site, nor attempt to access any of the content. 

If you are working on behalf of an organisation whose ‘definition, description, link, reference, etc.’ matches our version of these categories, it does not inherently mean that you will be granted access to the Site, to any of its content, nor does it mean that any of the content by a User is relevant to the Site, its audience, and as such, may not be permissible.

Upon registration, you agree to use the Site in the capacity of being an investment industry professional participant, and confirm that you hold such a definition as previously described. You must only use the Site in the business or professional capacity for which it was built, and their activities, and for the purposes as such referred to in the Terms of Service. 

Prior to, during, and after registration, along with the continued use of the Site, you ‘declare, express, state, stipulate, and warrant’ that you are not a competitor of Markets Recon, or make use of the Site for reasons that compete with Markets Recon, nor do you, or will you, use other parties to register in your stead who are a competitor, or have reasons which compete against, Markets Recon. You will not instruct another ‘entity, individual, group, or organisation’ to register on your behalf if they are a competitor, or have reasons to compete against, Markets Recon.

If you are, or ever become affiliated with a competitor, or have any reasons to compete against Markets Recon, you will cease to use your account immediately, and notify us immediately of this reason. Markets Recon reserves the right to take any legal action against you, to block or suspend access to a User's profile, account, the Site, and any of its information, and/or cancel your registration with immediate effect if you breach any element of your obligations and/or warranties under the Terms of Service, or if we have suspicion that you are in breach of any such obligations and/or warranties, without notice.

By registering with the Site, you declare and warrant that you are 18 years of age or older, ‘able, competent, and willing’ to enter into, and comply with, the Terms of Service. The Site may contain the functionality which allows for purchases to be made. In this event, you must be 18 years of age or older (21 years of age or older in some ‘countries, jurisdictions, providence, states’ where applicable). 

Registration and Personal Information

In order to register to the Site, you will be required to provide some personal information. Personal information may include, but is not limited to, your legally registered first and last name (full name), your organisation’s name (company name), your occupation (job title), and your professional email address (business email). Other User information may also be collected prior to, during, or after, your registration.

By supplying this information, you agree not to supply any ‘false, incorrect, misleading, and/or misrepresented’ information, any ‘anagram, pen name, and/or pseudonym’ information, or information of any kind that does not legally identify you. Markets Recon reserves the right to challenge the validity of any information received at any time, and if so, legal documentation or irrefutable evidence may be requested. If you fail to satisfy our challenge, we may temporarily ‘block, suspend, or cancel’ your registration/account.

Upon registration to the Site, you ‘acknowledge, agree, confirm, express, and warrant’ to us that the information supplied during the registration process is ‘accurate, true, and up-to-date’.

By registering with the Site, you agree to ‘keep accurate, maintain, and update’ any information that is in your User Account, at all times. You must also comply with what is reasonably expected of someone supplying information via any ‘information-request’ method, whether that be at registration, via email, or other communicable means.

Any information requested to be provided should be done so in a timely manner, and must be appropriate for any ‘information fields’ which require to be completed. You must answer each field with the intended information expected to be gathered from such a field. 

By registering for the Site, your personal information forms part of your profile. This information will be deemed to be a part of Markets Recon, and by extension, unless otherwise expressed as information licenced to us, it will be owned by us. As such, we take security very seriously.

You agree to keep your personal information, along with the password you use for access to the Site, ‘confidential, private, safe, and secure.’

Only you are permitted to use your account, and no one else. You agree NOT to ‘use another User's account, transfer any information from, or responsibility for, your account to another party, to attempt to sell or trade any information gained from the Site, or supplied to the Site.'

Markets Recon cannot be held liable for any account that has been compromised due to factors outside of our control, including, but not limited to, acts by a user which constitute a ‘mistake or gross negligence.’ The organisation will be responsible for the safety and security of all User accounts and personal information so far as we can control within our own security procedures, and that applicable with the governance required by law.

If you suspect unauthorised use of your User account, or any type of breach, or anticipated attempt to breach, your personal information/User account, you must make every effort to change or update your information as appropriate, including your password to the site, and inform us via email at your earliest convenience.

Investment Advice and Investment Recommendation Permissions

Recon Discovery Limited, trading as Markets Recon, does not have the required permission(s) to allow financial advice or other types of services which constitutes as advice. Markets Recon is not regulated by the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or any other regulatory organisation. Due to this, the Site can only provide a platform which facilitates content aggregation for the enjoyment of investment industry participants as outlined above.

The Site does not ‘facilitate, provide, produce, or make available’, nor will it ‘facilitate, provide, produce, or make available’, content which constitutes ‘insurance, investment, legal, and/or tax’ advice. From time to time there may be content which has been made available on the platform which contains an element of advice from the author, or User. In these circumstances, these are considered the opinions of the author or User, depending on the clear distinction between the ‘creator/ownership’ of the content, and do not reflect that of Market Recon’s.

Any information provided by the Site will be deemed to have been read and understood by the User, to which, any information provided by the Site which is then used by the User, will be at their own risk. Markets Recon will not be liable for any outcome you experience due to the use of the Site, and its information. 

At any point, and by any number of intervals, Markets Recon provides Users the facility to provide content on the Site, the User will be responsible that the content complied with the applicable laws, rules, and regulations which govern the content itself, its publication, the country it is published in, and the audience it is legally entitled to reach. 

Markets Recon will not actively monitor this for you as it will be understood that, by registering, you understand and accept to provide content which complies with the relevant legal and regulatory requirements applicable. 

The Site may, at any point, and by any number of intervals, have content which contains ‘product’ information. Product information will refer to the type of information provided by a firm which has some type of financial or investment related ‘element’ to their product or service.

All content, which has been provided by third parties, is not an offer to treat, nor is it an offer to contract with Markets Recon

Markets Recon does not accept any liability for, or responsibility for, content (which may include, but is not limited to including, ‘advice, analysis, biography, investment, opinion, product, recommendation, security, service, statement, and/or strategy’), regardless of whether the content does or does not contain any ‘false, inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, misinterpreted, mistake, and/or unreliable’ information, provided by third parties.

The service provided by the Site, and by extension, Markets Recon, its Users, or any third party, does not constitute the engagement of ‘approving, engaging, offering, providing, recommending, and/or selecting’ products or services, nor does the content constitute the engagement of ‘approving, engaging, offering, providing, recommending, and/or selecting’ products or services, by the Site, or entity, under any circumstance. Warning: YOU MUST SEEK INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAL ADVICE IN RELATION TO ANY FINANCIAL OR INVESTMENT PRODUCT FOUND ON THE SITE, TO WHICH YOU WISH TO ENGAGE WITH. ANY DECISIONS ON ANY FINANCIAL OR INVESTMENT PRODUCT INFORMATION WHICH YOU TAKE WITH OR WITHOUT PROFESSIONAL ADVICE WILL BE AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND MUST BE DONE DIRECTLY WITH THE FINANCIAL, INVESTMENT, AND/OR SERVICE PROVIDER.

Content Publication

Markets Recon makes every effort to comply with the relevant regulations governing its business interests. Markets Recon will not provide any content on the Site which may fall under MiFID II regulations, or any content which may be deemed an ‘inducement’ to financial professionals. 

Markets Recon will not, to the best of its abilities, provide content which makes any solicitation for investment or constitutes a public offering, any invitation to treat, offer, acceptance, or consideration to enter, endorse or enforce a contract which arises from any content that was visible on the Site, invitation to subscribe for securities or contravene any regulation deemed appropriate to apply, such as securities regulations or financial conduct regulations in England and Wales, or any other domicile and/or jurisdiction.

Markets Recon will not, to the best of its abilities, ‘display, endorse, promote, publish, and/or make visible’ any content which explicitly promotes a company or any of its products or services. Any content which explicitly promotes a company or any of its products or services may find that the content is removed, and Markets Recon will reserve the right to closely monitor any further content publications, which we are against, and seek appropriate action to cease any further breaches. 

Markets Recon will seek to communicate in the first instance to the offender of the breach peacefully, but further violations may require Markets Recon to temporarily or permanently remove the offending account. Whilst Markets Recon will make every effort to prevent unauthorised content from displaying on the Site, there may, at times, be content which either has elements of material which promotes a company or any of its products or services, either as a minority or a majority of the publication, and may still display on the Site until it comes to the attention of Markets Recon. We apologise for any inconvenience or inconsistencies against our practice in the event this occurs.

Markets Recon will not, to the best of its abilities, ‘display, endorse, promote, publish, and/or make visible’ any content where the author has no expressed or implied right to make it visible on the Site. This includes not having the right under the appropriate law or regulation, including, but not limited to, confidentiality rights, copyright, licences, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, privacy rights, publicity rights, and/or ownership rights (including intellectual property rights). This includes any rights transferred by contract, employment, fiduciary or other legal rights, expressed or implied.

Markets Recon will make every effort not to link any content which appears on the Site to anything that requires a login or a subscription sign up. However, Markets Recon cannot promise that this will be the case for 100% of all content as there may be legitimate requirements for us to link to such features. 

All content, unless otherwise stated, shall be published in English. This includes (but is not limited to) all mediums and formats of content, its audio, its imagery, illustrations, and/or writings.

User Responsibility

Markets Recon will make the Site available across a number of ‘domiciles, countries, continents, jurisdictions, and regions.’ By registering to the Site, you agree not to violate any law, including but not limited to, ‘directive, regulation and/or statutory,’ at ‘local, state, national and/or international’ level, or any legally valid and upheld court order from a relevant and authorised authority, including but not limited to, the, UK's FCA, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and/or any security exchange (such as the American Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, and/or the New York Stock Exchange).

  • Conflict of Interest and Securities Disclosures

In the event that Markets Recon makes visible content relating to securities, Users agree that any content belonging to themselves, their employees, or any other relational entity which has the ability to make visible content on the Site, you agree to enforce, as a minimum, the following requirements:

  • You will disclose a long position (including derivatives, stocks, options, and/or other financial instruments) in any security mentioned, at the time of writing.
  • You will disclose a short position (including derivatives, stocks, options, and/or other financial instruments) in any security mentioned, at the time of writing.
  • You will disclose your intention to buy a security within three days of the content, which mentions that security, being made public for the first time.
  • You will disclose your intention to sell a security within three days of the content, which mentions that security, being made public for the first time.
  • You will not create any content which is for the sole purpose of boosting, or reducing, the price of a stock which you intend to buy, or sell.
  • You will disclose, in full, any material relationships with any company about which your content is about, or any party that stands to gain any impact from your content. This includes all content which does not specifically talk about a company you have an interest in, but which that company has an interest in (i.e. the industry it operates in, or looks to operate in, in any capacity). 
  • Inappropriate Content

Markets Recon does not agree with, nor allow, any content to contain, or be made available on the Site, which includes material of an abusive, defamatory, indecent, libellous, menacing, obscene, offensive, pornographic, threatening,  vulgar, and/or unlawful nature. No content should give rise to the possibility of causing annoyance, anxiety, conflict, harassment, and/or inconvenience.

Markets Recon does not agree with, nor allow, any content to contain, or be made available on the Site, which includes material that promotes hatred towards an individual or a group based on, but is not limited to, age, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion, race, sexual orientation. 

Markets Recon does not allow you to use the Site, or the brand, for the purpose of sending unauthorised or unsolicited material in the form of advertising, spam, or any other form of inappropriate communication.

Markets Recon reserves the right to temporarily or permanently suspend or terminate any User account who breaches any part of these Terms of Service.

Any action taken by Markets Recon may happen without notice, and with immediate effect.

Content Moderation 

Markets Recon does not bear any responsibility for any content which is made visible on the Site. All responsibility solely remains with the author of the content created. Markets Recon will not use any measures to pre-screen or in any way evaluate any content made visible on the Site, and therefore do not make any representations or warranties to the accuracy, integrity, quality, reliability, and/or suitability of the content.

No content on the Site constitutes the beliefs, comments, opinions, statements, and/or views of Markets Recon.

Markets Recon will, at its sole discretion, and without notice to a User, at any time, adapt, alter, amend, change, edit, delete, modify, monitor, and/or remove any content on the Site. Our content moderation guidelines will be carefully judged and implemented with due care and consideration for freedom of expression, equality, and the balance of opinions to give the Site the greatest range of content possible.

However, due to the volume of content which may be available to the Site on a daily basis, Markets Recon will be unable to modify its moderation decisions once one has been given. 

If a User has any issues or complaints with the enforcement of our monitoring guidelines, we kindly ask that you direct your concern to info@marketsrecon.com

User Communications

Whilst using the Site, Markets Recon will do its absolute best to ensure content meets the expectations a User would naturally expect from an impartial content syndication platform. However, we cannot do this alone. We ask our Users to let us know if they come across any content that fails to comply with our content publishing guidelines.

These are in essence guidelines which a User should comply with in order to preserve the integrity of the Site. All content on the Site should not constitute being any of the following: false, inappropriate, indecent, mislead, objectionable, offensive, and/or mislead another User. 

If any such content is deemed by Markets Recon appropriate to be removed from the Site, it does not constitute liability for such content nor does it validate the content: the decision to remove any content will merely represent our interests to keep the Site as fair and free from disruption as much as possible. 

Upon registering to the Site, a User acknowledges and agrees that there may be instances (however frequent) that they may be exposed to content which does not meet our content publishing guidelines.

If a User believes that they have come across content which they consider does not comply with our content publishing guidelines, they are encouraged to email info@marketsrecon.com with as much information as possible about the inappropriate content, including the URL from the Site and your explanation as to what you believe is inappropriate.

Once we have received this, we may review the content and take any action we deem appropriate.

Intellectual Property Rights

Markets Recon will, for an indefinite period of time, own any and all proprietary or confidential information which may or may not be disclosed to a User or made available on the Site.

Upon registering, a User agreed that any and all information or technology in connection with the Site is protected by domestic and international statute as well as other appropriate laws.

Any content ‘display, endorse, promote, publish, and/or made visible’ by Markets Recon or by a User is protected by confidentiality rights, copyright, licences, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, privacy rights, publicity rights, and/or intellectual property and proprietary rights. At no point will a User acquire any ownership rights by use of the Site. 

Markets Recon’s Intellectual Property Rights

The intellectual property rights of the Site, owned by Recon Discovery Limited, includes, but is not limited to, confidentiality rights, copyright, licences, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, privacy rights, and publicity rights. A User has a right of use of the Site itself as agreed within the Terms of Service, but beyond that, Markets Recon reserves all of the intellectual property rights. This includes, but is not limited to, arts, graphics, logos, service marks, and/or trademarks.

Any such intellectual property in connection with the Site may also be the trademark of, or registered trademark of, a third party in the United Kingdom, United States, and/or other countries. The Site may have access to trademarks belonging to their respective owners and by doing so, the Site does not grant the right of use by doing so.

All rights not expressly granted in, on, or to, the Site are reserved by Markets Recon. The Terms of Service does not grant you a right or licence. 

A User’s Intellectual Property Rights

Markets Recon will provide a wide range of content through varying formats. This content may be, without limitation, an: article, audio, blog, company profile, database, document, infographic, PDF, podcast, research paper, video, webcast, and/or webinar.

Any such content displayed on the Site, as well as respective copyright, licences, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, privacy rights, publicity rights, and/or intellectual property and proprietary rights, by a User are the property of Recon Discovery Limited and/or the authoring party. 

A User, once permitted access to the Site, may have the ability to download or print any and all content found on the Site. If a User does so, it must be done solely for your own personal use and benefit, and not for commercial use. If a User downloads or prints any content for personal use, the User must retain all copyright and other proprietary rights contained therein.

A User is not permitted to alter, change, display, modify, produce, publish, reproduce, and/or vary the content without the expressed written content of the authoring party, except to the extent required for you to display, use, and/or navigate the Site.

Contact Us

If you have any reason to believe that your intellectual property may be infringed upon, misused, or stolen, please contact info@marketsrecon.com. Please provide as much detail as possible as to the ‘alleged’ infringement and we will immediately remove any content deemed to have warranted such action and notify the authoring party if the issue persists.

Any content, when properly notified, harbours such material infringing the intellectual property rights of another will be reviewed. 


If you have any comments or suggested improvements to our service, the Site, or general feedback, please do so via the feedback forms on the Site by contacting info@marketsrecon.com.

By submitting such information, you agree that we are free to utilise any and all information provided and that you are not entitled to claim compensation or fee or recognition from Markets Recon for any such action taken based on the information provided. 

A User’s Conduct 

Upon using the Site, a User agreed to adhere to all relevant laws and regulations, guidelines and codes of conduct. This includes, without limitation, all intellectual property and proprietary rights, privacy laws and regulations. 

Any content that is to be displayed on the Site by any User or third party will do so without expressing or implying any endorsement or statement which creates a connection or representation of Markets Recon, without prior written consent, and to not infringe or impact the Markets Recon brand, logo, service marks, and/or trademarks.

All activity on the Site must be organic, and for personal use only, without commercial usage. A User promises not to collect, harvest, mine, scrape, and/or share information about other Users or third parties of the Site without their expressed written consent. You are not to engage, produce, scam, send, spam, and/or solicit information to other Users of the Site. 

WARNING: You acknowledge and agree not to create, compile, copy, and/or distribute any content found on the Site with a view to form any type of collection, database and/or directory which will facilitate a commercial activity, service, and/or transaction which, at its very nature, competes with Markets Recon. You will not lease, loan, modify, rent, and/or distribute or create derivative works based in whole or part of any content/material found on the Site.

No artificial intelligence (AI), bot, crawler, machine learning (ML), robot, scraper, spider, or other manual or automatic code, program, software, and/or tool will be used to ‘copy, duplicate, extract, harvest, retrieve, mine, and/or scrape any information from the Site or in any way reproduce any  web page or information contained within the Site. 

A User will not directly or indirectly disseminate, distribute, feed, transmit, provide, and/or upload via the Site any type of information which will cause harm to the Site or to Markets Recon.

You must not directly or indirectly cause a computer virus, malicious code, corruption from a document, file, and/or program which creates a negative interaction with such information, whether that destroys, disrupts, delays, interrupts, syphons, relays, or any other attempt which at minimum limits the functionality of the Site, Markets Recon, and/or any User or third party of the Site. 

Access to the Site should be by legitimate and commonly available/ licensed means by using the Markets Recon website and via no other means. Any attempts to access any part of the Site to which you have no authorisation to access may result in disciplinary action (i.e. temporary or permanent removal of your account or access rights). 

Markets Recon makes available to you a non-exclusive and non-transferable right and ‘temporary’ licence to the Site, upon registration, whereby you accept and comply with this Terms of Service, in addition to the Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy which works in conjunction with this document.

Markets Recon reserves the right to undergo an investigation, and if necessary, take any legal action against any User or third party who infringes or violates any part of this document, and the conjoined documents therein. 

WARNING: You acknowledge and agree that you must not, nor allow any third party to, create any derivative works, which could be based on the code, design, hardware, information, technique, technology, software, strategy, and/or style of Markets Recon, or its Site. You must not adapt, alter, change, copy, decode, decompile, deface, disassemble, modify, reverse engineer, sell, sublicense, and/or translate in whole, or in any part, the Site. You must not frame, mirror, and/or project, for appearance or the illusion of appearance or function, or otherwise simulate, in whole, or in any part, the Site, or Markets Recon.

Rights of Termination

Either party may terminate their agreement to the Terms of Service at any time, based upon the following:

  • By Mutual Right

A User’s account, once created at the end of the registration process, may have its access and information removed at any time for any (or in absence of a) reason, by either the User whose account information it is, or by Markets Recon themselves.

If a User wishes to cancel their account, they must write to info@marketsrecon.com and provide a clear request for cancellation. Termination of a Users account will disable any access to the Site and may deny you access in the future.

  • By Misuse

If a User is suspected of misusing the Site for any purpose other than what has been acknowledged and agreed in this Terms of Service, or has abused Site privileges, and/or caused harm in any way to another User or their information, Markets Recon may, without notice, temporarily suspend or permanently terminate the Users account.

Any suspected misuse will be first investigated by Markets Recon and then any appropriate action deemed necessary will be taken. Reasons for termination by misuse may include, but are not limited to, breaching the guidelines for content creation and procurement, violating the Terms of Service, as well as any violations arising from the Cookie Policy, and/or the Privacy Policy, creating several or false profile information with the clear intention of doing so, or any other reason which would constitute a reasonable decision to temporarily suspend or permanently terminate the account.

Any account permanently terminated may also be the result of including a life ban. If this occurs, you MUST NOT attempt to re-register with the Site using new credentials. If found doing so, Markets Recon may take legal action against you. 

If your account has been temporarily suspended or permanently terminated, and you believe this to be a mistake, you may email info@marketsrecon.com and provide a statement, supported by any documentation or evidence which will allow us to investigate the matter sufficiently.

If we find in your favour that your account has been incorrectly suspended or terminated, Markets Recon will reinstate your previous account and all pre-existing permissions prior to the incident.

Markets Recon’s Rights & Obligations

  • Availability of Service

Markets Recon provides no other obligations except those which have been expressly stated in the Terms of Service. At any time, Markets Recon may temporarily, or continuously, supply or restrict, provide or remove, make available or make unavailable, by any means, information on the Site. 

Markets Recon reserves the right to change any document, offering, pricing, and/or policy without prior notice. 

Whilst the Site is currently free to use, Markets Recon hold the right to change this in the future. 

  • Third Parties

The Site may have access to or make reference to other web links and content by third parties. Markets Recon make no endorsement, representations, and/or warranties, and have no control over other web links or their content.

Any such content which is discoverable on the Site will be consumed at your own risk and you should review any legal documentation or disclaimers on the third party site.

You acknowledge and agree that Markets Recon cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect violations of agreements or privacy practices, any material associated or found on other web links, including but not limited to any form or access to advertisements, products, resources, and/or services, nor can Markets Recon be held responsible for any damage, loss, and/or offence caused, allegedly or otherwise, especially if caused by or in connection with, accessing any content, goods, and/or services found on other web links.

  • A User's Information Disclosure 

By registering with the Site, you consent to give Markets Recon the right to receive, share, store, and/or use any information which you have provided. In addition, any other information which you provide post-registration may also be used in a similar fashion. Lastly, there may also be information derived or inferred from any previous information acquired or established during the course of your usage of the Site.

You can find further information in our Privacy Policy which governs the use of information provided to the Site.

You acknowledge, agree, and content that Markets Recon may access, disclose, store, present, and/or preserve the information you provide in the registration process, your user profile/account, and any further interaction with any element of the Site, including any communications within the Site, or Markets Recon. The preservation and use of such information may be necessary in order to: 

a) comply with any requirement as by law, government, and/or regulation. Markets Recon may have an obligation to present your information as evidence if it is deemed necessary to do so;

b) comply and enforce the Terms of Service, including but not limited to, the investigation of any violations, alleged or otherwise;

c) assess, detect, and prevent, any potential fraud, security or technical issue which arises;

d) respond to any claims of a violation of the rights of third parties, regardless of the third party being a User, an individual, a corporate entity, and/or a government agency;

e) support Users and third parties; and

f) protect and provide safeguards for Markets Recon, its rights, and its property, in addition to its Users, and the financial service professionals.

ATTENTION: If you wish to see more information on how a User’s information may be used, please see our Privacy Policy.

  • Warranties

The Site, and Markets Recon, do not make available any claim or action in relation to any liability which may arise in relation the the Site, or any content on the Site, as far as the appropriate law allows. 

Gross negligence or fraudulent misrepresentation which lead to personal injury or result in the death of a User, or any such responsibility for which Markets Recon are legally responsible for, will not be excluded from out liability, but will be reduced to the extent as permitted by law.

ATTENTION: Please read the following disclaimer carefully before continuing.

The Site, and any of its content, are provided on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis without any representations or warranties, expressly or implied. Markets Recon, to the fullest extent permitted by law, exclude all warranties, including but not limited to, ‘title, non-infringement, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose’ and all warranties relating to the Site’s: accuracy, adequacy, availability, completeness, dependency, reactiveness, readiness, and/or reliability, or any information or accessibility of the Site, expressed, implied, or by statue.


Markets Recon make no warranties that the Site will be free, without limitation, from cyber-attacks, errors, inaccuracies, interruptions, omissions, and/or natural disasters, which can cause the Site, its content, or its servers and services, to be disabled, unavailable, or are free from malicious activities such as viruses or other harmful elements. 

Markets Recon neither warrant nor represent that the use of the Site will not infringe on the rights of third parties. Markets Recon do not have any legal obligation to verify the identity, information, or other data supplied, of its Users, nor any legal obligation to monitor any activity by a User of the Site. 

Markets Recon excludes all liability for identity theft or other misuse of the information presented to Markets Recon.


Markets Recon does not control or monitor any of the information it supplies on the Site for accuracy or completeness. All responsibility for any information lies exclusively with the original supplier of the information. If any information has been supplied to us to which the supplier is not the originator of such information, you may contact us via info@marketsrecon.com if you wish to make any amendments to this information. 

Markets Recon will review any request and make a decision as to whether any information needs to be changed. You may not be notified of this event.

The Site may in unfortunate circumstances temporarily suspend, without notice, access to the Site, or any information, due to issues such as system failure(s), website maintenance or other reasons that are reasonably beyond our control.

Limited Liability

Markets Recon, or any of its Advertisers, Agents, Directors, Employees, and/or Users, will not be held liable for any accident, consequence, exemplary, event, incident, punitive, and/or special damage, or any other damage, indirect or otherwise, including but not limited to, data, goodwill, loss of profit, or any other loss arising out of a damage or other intangible loss (this exemption to liability may also be granted in the circumstances where Markets Recon may have been informed of the possibility of such damages arising), relating to the Site, any of the information or contents made available on the Site, any products or services made available by Markets Recon or any purchases made from Markets Recon.

In the event that you are not satisfied with your experience with the Site, you may, at any time, cease from using the Site. The sole and exclusive liability for Markets Recon for any damage, loss, of other type of harm inflicted upon Markets Recon, by contract, tort (including without limitation, negligence), or otherwise, shall be a total compensation value equal to the amount paid to Markets Recon by yourself, if any such payment is owed, or £250, whichever is greater. This compensation package applied to all such damage, known or unknown. 


Markets Recon does not accept any liability for any damage caused to your data and/or device(s) used in connection with accessing or using the Site and we do not guarantee that any document, information, and/or file you access will be free from any harmful or malicious code or feature.

This Terms of Service has been constructed, to the best of our knowledge, in accordance with the relevant provisions laid out in the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977.

If, for any reason, that any of these terms are found to be invalid, unenforceable, and/or unlawful, that term shall be amended to the extent where it becomes enforceable, legal, and valid. No other enforceable, legal, or valid term of this agreement shall be affected. The particular term shall only apply within the relevant jurisdiction where that provision is enforceable, legal, and valid.


You hereby acknowledge and agree that to indemnify, defend, and hold, our advertisers, agents, directors, and/or employees, harmless from any and all claims, costs, damages, expenses, liabilities, including but not limited to, reasonable legal costs, whether directly or indirectly, caused by the use of the Site, a violation of any governing or applicable principle or guideline, in addition to any other contractual obligations as agreed and consented to, any violation of any rights of a third party, or any claim in respect of any damage caused by any information displayed on the Site. Any such defence and indemnification will survive this Terms of Service and your use of the Site.


  • Assignment

No assignment or transfer of any of its rights, or by way of the Terms of Service, may occur without prior written consent from either party. Markets Recon may assign or transfer its rights subject to our obligations under the Terms of Service in connection with a reorganisation, sale, and/or transfer of the business.

No term in the Terms of Service is enforceable under the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by any such person who is not a party to it.

  • Terms of Service

You agree and acknowledge that the Terms of Service constitutes as the entire agreement, the complete and exclusive agreement between you and Recon Discovery Limited, with regards to the Site, its content, and all information, and as such, supersedes all prior agreements or understandings, whether written or verbal, or as established by custom, practice, precedent, and/or policy. 

  • Legislation and Jurisdiction

The Terms of Service shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England, regardless of your country of domicile or geographic location at the point where you access the Site.

You and Markets Recon agree that any disputes arising in connection with the Terms of Service shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, you agree that Markets Recon shall be entitled to apply for injunctive relief or remedies (or any other type of legal relief) in any jurisdiction.

  • No Waiver

In the event that any party to these Terms of Service fails to exercise any right or remedy, either under these terms or any other applicable law, shall not be construed as a waiver of that right or remedy.

  • Notifications

If, at any point, you believe you are entitled to, or require, under the appropriate law, to act in a way which is in breach of any of the Terms of Service, you agree to submit a full and detailed justification, in writing, at least 28 days before any such breach is to be committed.

  • Severability

If any court in England or Wales finds that any provision of these Terms of Service is found to be invalid, unenforceable, and/or unlawful, the provision shall be amended by the minimum requirement as to make it legally enforceable and valid. All other provisions will continue to remain in force, enforceable, and valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.

No information presented in this document or anywhere on the Site is deemed to represent legal or compliance advice.