This Privacy Policy forms part of the our Terms of Service. It details the use of any 'personal information' we have collected from you by your use of our Site. When registering with Markets Recon, you accept that the introduction and submission of your personal information is completely voluntary, and that you hereby give your consent to us to collect and use your personal information for any and all relevant purposes as seen fit to use by Markets Recon.

Markets Recon

Markets Recon ( is an independent investment research, analysis, and insights platform for professional investment industry participants. The Site is operated and owned by Recon Discovery Limited (‘collectively’, ’ourselves’, ‘our', 'us' and 'we'), a company that is incorporated in England and registered under the United Kingdom's data protection legislation as a data controller, with our registration reference: ZB597264.

Markets Recon can, by right, adapt, alter, amend, change, edit, or delete, any and all parts of this Privacy Policy at any given time. Markets Recon will, as legally required, inform you of any material or significant change(s) to the Privacy Policy, via the Privacy Policy, emails, and by notification on our Site’s home page. If you decide to continue using the Site after any changes to our Privacy Policy have been announced, it will be taken that you have agreed and consented to the changes.

It is very important to us that our business operates with professionalism, in an honest and open manner, and that you trust your Personal Information is properly handled, and within the proper conduct expected of our organisation.

Personal Information

Markets Recon may obtain and keep a record of the following ‘Personal Information:'

  1. A User’s registration information: Upon registering to use the Site, you will provide any and all personal information that we require to be collected. This personal information may be expanded upon at any given time. The personal information may include, but is not limited to, your legally registered first and last name (full name), your organisation’s name (company name), your occupation (job title), and your professional email address (business email). Other User information may also be collected at any point in time. WARNING: Please note that you SHOULD NOT register with our Site if there would be any information which you would not want in the public domain.

  2. Markets Recon may collect data at any point in time on your use of the Site. The information collected may include, but is not limited to, the pages you have visited, viewed, or clicked on, as well as any content therein on those pages, any and all services viewed or provided for, utilised, or dismissed, including any information present on any URL of any website address that you visit immediately before and after using our Site, the IP address used in accessing this information, the operating system and/or browser application used to access this information, and any other data accessible at that time.

  3. Any and all information which you have provided to us which may be used via email, phone (recorded or otherwise), other methods of communication in connection with the Site or other communication methods not listed here, and/or by in person.

Markets Recon reserves the right to monitor any and all activity, and monitor any and all usage of the Site, by any User, and gather and analyse any such information gained from this. To protect the interest of our Users, any information gathered and used will be processed anonymously, including any and all information related to ‘personal information.' 

Usage of Personal Information on the Site

As an independent research platform for Asset Allocators and Professional Consultants, Markets Recon exists to provide third party investment research and thought leadership content. In doing so, information, as well as personal information, is gathered and made visible at our discretion. The purpose of collecting and/or sharing this information is so that we can ‘adapt, alter, change, improve, measure, modify, monitor, and/or remove’ performance or service attributes which will ultimately affect the performance of the Site, as well as the overall user experience of the Site.

  • A User’s Contribution(s) to the Site

This refers to any articles, blogs, conferences, research [papers], podcasts, videos, webinars, and other types of content, in any format, able to be displayed on our Site. All content may be deemed to be a contribution by any registered or unregistered User of the Site and/or any affiliated or unaffiliated organisation of the Site who creates, edits, wholly or partially, content which is displayed.

  • A User’s Account and Profile

Any and all Users can review any unrestricted part of a Company's or a Users profile, which may or may not contain their name (organisation name or first and last name of the account holder), their assigned location, occupational industry, and/or occupation (job title). All Users and organisations will be able to alter their account information from their profile after registration.  

Markets Recon may gather and review one or more User profiles, and their data, to better understand the type and pool size of our Users. We may use this information to inform our business strategies, marketing strategies, enhance our current product or service offerings, to inform the current valuation of the business in the event of a sale, or any other reason we see fit, including but not limited to, improving the design, layout, functionality, performance, or other, of the Site, on an anonymous basis. 

Markets Recon may distribute their analysis, which you consent to by right of agreement under this Privacy Policy when registering to the Site, and upon continued use of the Site, to any public or private receiving centre, entity, forum, platform, space, which also includes information on the Site – any personal information collected from a User will be anonymous, to ensure protection against absolute identification. 

  • Automatic | Custom | Specific | Manual - Email Sends

Markets Recon may use your information, personal information, or otherwise, and any information collected from other Users on the Site, or the metrics of the Site itself, to routinely, specifically, or on an ad-hoc or indeterminate basis, send emails, notifications, communications, or other information considered worthy of distribution, to one or more of our Users.

  • Organisation-specific, Generic, and/or Personalised Email(s), Newsletters, and Promotions

Markets Recon may use an company's and/or a Users’ information in order to distribute any number of emails, newsletters or promotional material, of any kind, on a specified or unspecified frequency - frequency, in some instances, will be available to be managed in your Profile Settings at a future date. The information, in most cases, will be tailored to your interests, whether by interaction with any of the content on the Site in a specific or a generic way, interactions outside of the intended scope on the Site, and for anything by way of sharing information you deem to have consented to receive at the time of registering to use the Site. The information may also contain information owned and distributed by Markets Recon which a User may not be able to decline.

  • A User’s Use of the Site

Markets Recon may ‘track’ any and all  ‘activity, engagement, metric, or other’ interaction(s) of a User who engages with the Site. WARNING: The site DOES NOT have the functionality to provide a User with a ‘No Tracking’ policy. 

If Markets Recon believes that you have ceased using the Site, we may find an opportunity to utilise the current information we have for you on our Site to reach out to you for re-engagement. If you are certain that you do not wish to continue using the Site, we may ask for your feedback before you leave, so that we may improve our services to our current Users and to establish what was the cause for your leave. 

Markets Recon may also utilise your IP address in order to assist with the running and maintenance of the Site. Additionally, data collected for reviewing system performance, software constraints, and/or diagnosing technical issues, among other things, may also be used.

Tools such as third-party software, Cookies, and/or security features such as CAPTCHA, may also feature on the Site. Markets Recon may also use other technologies in conjunction with existing technologies for the benefit of the Site. If this happens, your continued use of the Site will demonstrate your consent and compliance in the use of these tools.

  • A Users Contact Information and any Third-Party Data

Most of our Users will contact us via the Contact Us section of the Site. However, if you contact us via email, letter, and/or phone, we may keep a record of this. Some calls may be monitored and recorded for training and quality purposes. All physical communication received by Markets Recon will be held on file for as long as the necessary regulations allow. Any information which you have requested for us to ‘create, delete, edit, ignore, and/or remove’, or any other requests, will be in accordance with The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and/or the Data Protection Act 2018, as amended (DPA), whichever is the applicable doctrine/law/statute to uphold at that time. 

Markets Recon may require additional information before your communication can be addressed, and/or require you to go through any security measures to prove your identity, or to gain access to any information you may be requesting, or we may use your own User Information in order to help facilitate our communications with you. If other parties (third-party), with or without your consent, contact us about any of your activity, at any time, on the Site, we may keep a record of this information on file pertaining specifically to you.

We may not contact you if this happens as you consent to this by way of using the Site. Any and all information collected in this manner will be held, and considered to be, personal information. 

Sharing of Personal Information

  • Sharing A User’s Personal Information with Another User

Markets Recon offers the Site as a ‘free of charge’ service. In order to keep the Site free, Markets Recon will form ‘partnerships’ with asset managers and other industry participants, hereinafter referred to as a ‘Partner’. At the time a User engages with any content on the Site which has been ‘disseminated, seen, viewed’ and so forth, by a Partner, or Markets Recon, we may distribute any and all information associated with that User’s profile, including but not limited to, your first and last name, your organisation’s name (company name), your occupation (job title), your professional email address (business email), and your location. We may also distribute other information such as ‘the title of any/all content you interacted with, the date and time of any/all interaction(s), which elements of the Site were used for any/all interaction(s), any dwell time on any/all interaction(s)’, and any other information which can be generated via the Site for analysis.

By registering with the Site, you are deemed to have provided CONSENT to the aforementioned, in the following way:

  • Disclaimer Prompting

When Markets Recon provides any/all content on the Site, we will provide a ‘Disclaimer’, explaining to the User that by interacting with the content in any capacity, you agree to allow your personal information to be distributed to the Partner, and to allow the Partner to communicate with you via their own methods, based on the information provided by Markets Recon.

  • Sharing A User’s Personal Information with Data Processors

Markets Recon may distribute personal information to any third party. Data Processors are a type of third party whom provide services to Markets Recon under tightly monitored ‘actions, allowances, conditions, guidelines, occurrences, provisions’ and so on, whereby the procurement and process of a User’s personal information will be informed by our ‘commands, communications, controls, guidance, instructions.'

  • Sharing A User’s Personal Information with Another User from the Same Organisation

As Markets Recon is a Site which is accessible in the public domain, there may be circumstances where an employee of an organisation, who is a User of the Site, may also be the employee of an organisation who is a Partner. In these circumstances, Markets Recon may send a variety of communications, both in message, and in frequency, showcasing all of the contributions by any/all employee(s) of the Partner to any other employee(s) of the Partner. When registering to the Site, CONSENT will be deemed to have been given to allow for such information to be disseminated to any employee of the Partner. To keep strict control over the data being shared, Markets Recon may engage with a nominated 'account holder' or 'receiver' who represents the Partner and will be responsible for the entire activities of the employees of the Partner.

  • Market Recon’s Legal and/or Regulatory Purpose for Sharing Personal Information

Markets Recon, when required to do so at the expressed request of any authorised regulators or legal authorities, may provide any/all personal information pertaining to any/all Users, including but not limited to, any data ‘accessed or collected’, any method of ‘accessing or the collection of’ any data, by their usage of the Site. In such instances, we may disseminate such information without any notice to you.

We will completely, and without discrimination, cooperate with any legitimate law enforcement office or agency, officer or agent, where the identification of any/all Users who misuse the Site for illegal means, will be required to cease such illegal activity. Markets Recon’s duty to report any suspicions of wrongdoing, or any witnessed illegal activity, whether by Markets Recon or another User, or by any other means to inform us, to any legitimate law enforcement office or agency, officer or agent, that is believed to be unlawful.

Markets Recon may disseminate personal information to a third party if we believe that such action is reasonably necessary for us to fulfil our legal, fiduciary, and regulatory responsibilities. 

  • Markets Recon’s Sale, Reorganisation, Relocation, or Exit

Markets Recon may disseminate, partially, or wholly, any and all information of a User’s personal information to a third party, in the event of a sale. Markets Recon, Markets Recon Ltd, Recon Discovery Limited, or the operational activities of the Site in relation to the organisation, are completely, or in part, ‘acquired, deferred, sold, sub-contracted, transaction, and/or transferred.' Upon successful completion of a transaction whereby the personal information is disseminated to a rightful third party, the third party will have continuous, permitted access to the information for the rightful business purposes for which it was supplied.

Altering Your Personal Information in Your Account

A User may be able to ‘alter, amend, create, edit, delete, and/or remove’ any element of their personal information that was provided upon registration to the Site via the 'Profile Settings.' Additionally, any further information added to the User’s account since registration, by means of the User, will also be available to ‘alter, amend, create, edit, delete, and/or remove.' It will be the responsibility of the User to ensure that their information is kept up to date. Failure to do so may result in the temporary or permanent removal of your account. If at any point you experience any problems you can contact us via

A User may be able to permanently delete their account at any time. This will result in the removal of your access to your account and your rights to engage or click on any elements of the Site. If you decide to return to the Site, you will need to create a new account. Any content on the Site that was in some way connected to a User will still be accessible on the Site by other Users. If enough time has passed due to the inactivity of a User’s account, Markets Recon may archive your personal information for a period of up to five years, in order to remain compliant with any information requests by an authorised legal or regulatory organisation.

A User can access, or request to take a copy of their personal information at any time. If you wish to do so, please contact Markets Recon via We will process your request and provide you with a copy of your personal information within 30 days; a small administrative fee will be applicable.

A User’s Choice(s) Regarding their Personal Information

A User may be able to ‘alter, amend, restrict, and/or view’, their personal information via their profile in order to ‘customise and/or personalise’ their enjoyment of, or limit access or frequency to, the following:

  1. Any permitted access of a User’s personal information may have the view of the full version of the personal information restricted.

  2. The frequency in which you receive (or the cessation of) any communication from Markets Recon, a User, or an authorised third party.

  3. Any permitted access of a User’s personal information a Partner may receive.

A User may restrict or decline to consent to the use of Cookies on their browser. WARNING: In doing so, this may alter the ‘aspect ratio, performance, usability, visability, or general functionality’ of the Site.

Other Important Information

  • Data Processing

Markets Recon collects and processes a User’s personal information, only when we have a lawful ‘agreement, arrangement, allowance, basis, entitlement, and/or right’ to do so. When we operate under the lawful right, there is inherent ‘consent’ whether expressly or implicitly, by a User though any means of communication, and/or legal documentation (agreement and/or contract), where processing data is required in order to perform the legal duties of the contract, in order to deliver the agreed upon services, as a legitimate interest (collectively, or individually, expressly or implicitly). 

When a User wishes to no longer grant consent to process their personal information, you have the right of withdrawal. If you no longer provide consent, Markets Recon may remove your account from the Site, and you will no longer have access to Markers Recon’s services. Where Markets Recon operates on a legitimate interest, a User will have the right to object. Objecting to a legitimate interest may result in Markets Recon removing your account from the Site, and you will no longer have access to Markers Recon’s services. If you wish to contact us regarding the legitimate interest and/or lawful basis, you may do so via email. The email to use is

  • Personal Information Protection

A User’s personal information is securely stored in accordance with GDPRMarkets Recon takes security seriously and appreciates the trust you place in us to continue to do so. Whilst Markets Recon takes its responsibility to protect all personal information seriously, unfortunately we are unable to place any kind of guarantee on being resistant to any type of ‘breach’; there are powerful security measures in place to protect the Site, your personal information, and all other information stored by Markets Recon. The type of security Markets Recon facilitates is contains, but is not limited to, password protection, access limits to servers, and access restrictions to only those who have access permissions.

Highly sensitive information such as unique identifiers or credit card numbers is protected by SSL encryption. Any third party provider who received a User’s personal information is also required to have in place protection protocols to ensure the safe security of that information. Whilst every effort can, and will be made by Markets Recon, it is imperative that you also follow safe practices when operating on our Site, and the Internet. 


WARNING: Any information ‘amended, created, deleted, edited, received, sent, transmitted, transferred’, among other things, by any party, will be at your own risk. You accept these risks upon registering to the Site, whilst your User profile remains active, and/or in the event of your information being archived and kept on record beyond the time you cease to conduct any interaction with Markets Recon, as long as there is a legitimate business reason to do so.

  • Non-domestic Data Transmissions

Markets Recon may at any time transmit any/all information held on record, outside of its domestic country. Markets Recon is situated in the United Kingdom. Any information that undergoes such a transfer, outside of the United Kingdom, and/or outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), may also be subject to storage, for any period of time. Any information that undergoes such a transfer, will only occur where that designated ‘country, province, republic, territory,and/or state’ among others, provides assurances that they have a level of protection that can satisfy the requirements for that protection. Protection will extend to the rights and freedoms enjoyed by data subjects.

By providing your information to Markets Recon, you consent to any such transfer, storage, and/or process. 

  • Independent Privacy Policies by Third Parties

The Site may link to, by way of a User, or Markets Recon, third party ‘audios, documents, elements, podcasts, texts, videos, webinars, websites’ among other things. Each element of a third party may provide their own privacy policy, terms and conditions, data collection, usage and storage, disclosure, and consent practices. In each and every instance, you should check with each element, and consult a professional if necessary, prior to providing any information, be it via your ‘personal information, general information, User profile, or information not held by Markets Recon’, but to be used for the purpose of the interaction with the element by the third party.

Furthermore, any element, or interaction, with any element connected to a third party which you interact with, may contain other data collection protocols such as Cookies, or any method in order to gain any element of your ‘personal information, general information, User profile, or information not held by Markets Recon’. Markets Recon CANNOT accept any responsibility or liability for the policies or practices by a third party.

Contact Us

For any ‘questions, queries, and/or concerns’ regarding any element of this Privacy Policy, the Site, or any of the employees of Markets Recon, you may contact us via

If you wish to contact the organisation’s Data Protection Officer, you can contact Alex Nicholls. You can make contact by post to Markets Recon, 3rd Floor, 86-90 Paul Street, London, United Kingdom, EC2A  4NE, or by

If you are not satisfied with any element of our Privacy Policy, or any of our data protection protocols, or you have any security concerns regarding your personal information, please do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible. In the event that we are unable to resolve to your satisfaction the issue(s) raised, you have a legal right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office, situated in the UK.

Cookies on the Site

Markets Recon, and other third party providers, may use Cookies, or other technologies that work in the same way, or differently, to that of Cookies, but ultimately attempt to improve the user experience of the Site. Additionally, we may utilise these technologies in order to offer any/all levels of advertisement, and/or to evaluate the serviceability of the Site, and Markets Recon, in part or as a whole.

Upon registration, it will be deemed that you consent to our use of Cookies, and/or other technologies, and by default, the Site will automatically have applied Cookies, and/or other technologies. However, you can disable the Cookie(s), and possibly other technologies, from your own web browser. WARNING: Disabling Cookies, and/or other technologies, may result in unexpected issues with the Site. We are under no obligation to assist in a workaround in order for you to enjoy the Site in its fullest when you selectively disable Cookies, and/or other technologies.

  • How Cookies may be Placed on your Computer

Markets Recon may use Google Analytics, provided by Google. Google collects various types and amounts of data which then get provided to us so that we can ascertain what is happening on the Site. The information collected is anonymous. 

The information gathered may go beyond the scope of the personal information that was provided, such as the ‘IP address, information on what web browser was being used when accessing the Site, traffic of our Users, web-domain information’, and so on.

Google Analytics created Cookies in the form of the following: ‘__utma, __umtb, __utmc, __utmv, __utmz’. These Cookies are used by the Site.

No information presented in this document or anywhere on the Site is deemed to represent legal or compliance advice.