Markets Recon will strictly comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 (as amended), which deeply complements the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as regulatory investment compliance bodies such as (but not limited to) the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and/or the United States’ Securities Exchange Commission (SEC).

Below are the key regulatory compliance directives which govern Markets Recon’s Data Protection and GDPR framework.

Markets Recon’s Usership

All Users of the Site will be limited to professional investors, investment consultants, asset management professionals, and associated investment services professionals and relevant third parties. Non-users who visit the Site will have limited accessibility to areas of the Site and CANNOT access any content until they have passed the registration process.

Markets Recon’s Content Permissions and Ownership

All content which is displayed on the Site is owned by the original author and/or their employer. Markets Recon, by legal right of the Terms of Service, or by legal right of access to publicly available information over the world wide web, will have the right to display such information as owned by the original author and/or their employer.

Users of the Site may also be part of a ‘party’ or ‘entity’ such as a company whose content is displayed on the Site. Such Users will be considered to have the same rights of access and ownership as the company unless the company explicitly states who should and should not have certain access rights to the Site, and its content. Such rights and restrictions shall be governed by contract - This is a contract between Markets Recon and the party who wishes to pay for services provided by Markets Recon.

Upon entering the contract, the party entering into the contract shall designate an Account Manager who will assume overall responsibility for all Users connected to the party in terms of access or restrictions to any accounts or content on the Site.

Markets Recon’s Record

Markets Recon may, at its sole discretion, make available to the Account Manager, a record of all information created by, and accessed by, any other User of the Site. This information is primarily concerning the activities of any Users connected to a party to a contract with Markets Recon so as to give the party the ability to inspect any activity for compliance and governance purposes.

Content Controls

All content displayed on the Site may be accessed, deleted, edited, removed, or otherwise, at any time, by Markets Recon, and any User with permission to action the aforementioned who has a contract with Markets Recon. Any action taken shall be recorded under Markets Recon’s Record obligations (above) and all versions shall be tightly controlled so as to provide the chain of events when providing this information to the relevant party.

Regulation Disclaimers

Any party to a contract with Markets Recon which concerns the ‘display rights’ of their content will be allowed to provide a customised disclaimer which can be used before a User can access their content. This will be to ensure corporate compliance for the content being displayed. The disclaimer must have been given authorisation by your company’s Compliance Officer, in writing, in order for Markets Recon to make available this disclaimer.

Geographical Targeting

All content displayed on the Site will be made available to all Users of the Site, no matter their jurisdiction or location. However, for compliance purposes, any party to a contract with Markets Recon who wishes to control the geographical locations of which the content can be accessed in, will be given the opportunity to do so.

Any User who is in a location that has not been authorised to view such content will be unable to access such content. In order to enhance the user experience of the Site, such content will not be made available to be found through the Site if your location has not been authorised by the relevant party.

Advertorial, Endorsements, and Testimonials

Due to some regulators of certain jurisdictions, advertorials, endorsements, and testimonials, by use of a comments function, have not been made available on the Site.

For further information on our Data Protection and GDPR framework, please read our Data Protection Framework.

No information presented in this document or anywhere on the Site is deemed to represent legal or compliance advice.