Impax Asset Management

since 1998
  • 201-500 employees
  • Investment Management

Impax Asset Management

Founded in 1998, Impax is a specialist asset manager investing in the opportunities arising from the transition to a more sustainable global economy.

Impax believes that capital markets will be shaped profoundly by global sustainability challenges, including climate change, pollution and essential investments in human capital, infrastructure and resource efficiency. These trends will drive growth for well-positioned companies and create risks for those unable or unwilling to adapt.

Impax offers a well-rounded suite of investment solutions spanning multiple asset classes seeking strong risk-adjusted returns over the medium to long term. Impax manages funds and accounts in five areas: actively managed long-only equity, fixed income, systematic equities, multi asset, and new energy infrastructure.

Impax has offices in the United Kingdom, the United States, Ireland, Hong Kong and Japan, and with more than $50 billion in assets under management and advice has one of the investment management sector’s largest investment teams dedicated to sustainable development.


*As at 30 June 2023


Listed Equities, Private Equity, Investment Management, Resource Efficiency and Environmental Markets, and Fixed Income


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